Σάββατο 28 Μαρτίου 2020

Celtic Meaning of the Aspen Tree, by Avia/ Η Κέλτικη έννοια του δένδρου της Λεύκας, από την Avia

Celtic Meaning of the Aspen Tree, by Avia/ Η Κέλτικη έννοια του δένδρου της Λεύκας, από την Avia

Aspen Tree Symbolism
According to Celtic Meaning and Philosophy
The Druid's recognized every moment as an opportunity for transformation. For those taking their first conscious steps into spiritual living, awareness of transformation within each moment is best achieved when he/she works with the forces of nature. For those who are already consciously aware and have a well-worn spiritual path, nature is the seat of the soul rather than the catalyst to knowing the soul.
In other words, aspen trees are transformative tools to the novice and also serve as an oracle to the sage.
The Druid's understood this. They knew states of transcendental awareness were available in every nanosecond - within each moment the root of true magic clings.
However, most of us miss the natural point of entry each moment offers. And so, we may use nature to serve as an entryway into the living room of the mystic.
The transcendental symbolism of the aspen comes in the dance of leaves. Watch them as if they dance to music and they appear to jive along to some crazy cosmic beat.
Symbolic Celtic Meaning of Aspen Tree
Lore and legend is associated with these quivering aspen leaves, and it's no wonder. When you have the first opportunity, observe the aspen leaves in action - loosen your body and mind and really watch these amazing trees. Their stark white bodies ascending to their shimmery, live-wire leaves will keep you spellbound.
Druid's took their novices and initiates to the aspen groves for their first taste of transcendental bliss. So mesmerizing are these trees, that watching them will induce trance and send the observer to parallel realms where knowledge may be plucked from the ether like plump, gemmy fruits from the vine.
Alternatively, seasoned Druids, Bards and Ovates would similarly step into the gateway of the aspen. But unlike a neophyte, their experience would lend re-affirmation to the concept of connectivity. Additionally, these wise souls translated specific speech patterns by listening to the aspen. As an augury, the aspen foretold victories, opportunities, and strategic advantages.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on the symbolic meaning of trees from the cultural perspective of the ancient Celts.
http://seliniartemisekati.blogspot.gr/ - Επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση του περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας εφόσον αναφέρεται ευκρινώς η πηγή του και υπάρχει ενεργός σύνδεσμος(link ). Νόμος 2121/1993 και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.
Ορισμένα αναρτώμενα από το διαδίκτυο κείμενα ή εικόνες (με σχετική σημείωση της πηγής), θεωρούμε ότι είναι δημόσια. Αν υπάρχουν δικαιώματα συγγραφέων, παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μας για να τα αφαιρέσουμε. Επίσης σημειώνεται ότι οι απόψεις του ιστολόγιου μπορεί να μην συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου. Για τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται εδώ, ουδεμία ευθύνη εκ του νόμου φέρουμε καθώς απηχούν αποκλειστικά τις απόψεις των συντακτών τους και δεν δεσμεύουν καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπο το ιστολόγιο.

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