Celtic Meaning
of Symbolic Trees
and Ogham Meanings/
Κελτική έννοια των συμβολικών δέντρων και των σημαδιών Ogham
celtic meaning of symbolic trees
The Ogham: Celtic Meaning of
Symbolic Trees
Do some research on Celtic meaning
of symbolic trees and odds are your journey will never end. So rich and intense
is this path of knowledge that lifetimes could be devoted to the subject.
Indeed, the ancient Druids committed decades of their lives in soulful
contemplation of the cosmic expressions manifested in trees.
The ancient Celtic people were much
like the first people of North America in that they were spiritually
progressive. This advancement is born from an intense union with nature and
subsequently, aided these people in aligning with energy on a cosmic level.
We see evidence of this alignment in
the Ogham and this system will serve as the basis for much of the information
on the Celtic meaning of symbolic trees.
At its simplest, the Ogham is an
ancient Celtic alphabet consisting of twenty characters. These characters were
simple and easily drawn using downward and upward strokes. Scholars theorized
that these characters might have been conveyed as hand signals (much like sign
language on a simplified level) too.
When we get past this face-value
definition of the Ogham, we discover that the Celts intertwined their communion
with nature into this writing system. They did this by assigning a tree to each
of the twenty symbols of the Ogham (or more accurately, vice versa). Stepping
into another level of intricacy, we find each tree represents a particular
characteristic within the Ogham.
celtic meaning of symbolic trees
Summary of the Celtic Ogham System
of Wisdom
The Ogham consists of twenty alphabetical symbols.
Each of these symbols represents a sacred tree.
Each tree represents a feeling, attribute or essence.
For example, the first letter of the
Ogham is "B" the symbol identified as Beithe which means Birch. Ergo,
the birch tree is associated with this letter of the Ogham. The Celtic meaning
here speaks of renewal, rebirth, and youth for reasons I will outline in pages
to come.
celtic meaning of symbolic trees
ogham symbols and meaning
Shown above is a list of the twenty
alphabetical Ogham symbols, the tree associated with each symbol meaning, and
the symbolic meaning of each tree. You may also want to view my Celtic Tree
Astrology - Zodiac of the Druids page for more insight on this subject.
- Επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση του περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας εφόσον
αναφέρεται ευκρινώς η πηγή του και υπάρχει ενεργός σύνδεσμος(link ). Νόμος
2121/1993 και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.
Ορισμένα αναρτώμενα από το διαδίκτυο κείμενα ή
εικόνες (με σχετική σημείωση της πηγής), θεωρούμε ότι είναι δημόσια. Αν
υπάρχουν δικαιώματα συγγραφέων, παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μας για να τα
αφαιρέσουμε. Επίσης σημειώνεται ότι οι απόψεις του ιστολόγιου μπορεί να μην
συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου. Για τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται εδώ,
ουδεμία ευθύνη εκ του νόμου φέρουμε καθώς απηχούν αποκλειστικά τις απόψεις των
συντακτών τους και δεν δεσμεύουν καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπο το ιστολόγιο.
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