Celtic Zodiac
Sign: Fox, March
18 and April 14, di
Avia/ Κέλτικος Ζωδιακός κύκλος : η Αλεπού, 18 Μαρτίου – 14 Απριλίου,
της Άβιας
Celtic Zodiac Sign Celtic Animal
Sign Fox
Celtic Zodiac Sign: The Fox, March
18 -April 14
Personality Introduction for This
Celtic Animal Sign:
Greetings dear Fox! Your Celtic
zodiac sign is one of sharp cunning and clever antics. -Ever heard of the term
"crazy like a fox"? You may not be crazy, but you definitely
appreciate cutting loose and having a little fun. You've got a bold personality
too, so hobnobbing at a party is no problem for you. Your easy charm and smooth
confidence wins people over. Furthermore, you tend to make friends easily. In
short, you are likely a master in the social scene.
Now don't get me wrong. I know you
foxy signs aren't all about fun and play. But it's an important part of your
life. If you can't be yourself while laughing and living-out-loud, then you
tend to get cranky, restless and bored. Not good for you, because you have a
very active mind. When not focused in a healthy direction, your restlessness
can make you miserable. You might even find yourself getting into trouble
without meaning to - all because you've got the ho-hum, doldrums. No bones
about it, fox signs need to stay active, engaged and stimulated.
When it comes to the Celtic zodiac
sign of the fox, I love this quote by M.C. Escher: "My work is a game. A
very serious game." When you're on the hunt for something you want, you'll
happily work hard to reach your goal. You can be very serious when it comes to
productivity, your work and your family responsibilities. But, if you can't
incorporate play and/or pleasure in what you're doing - you tend to lose
The red fox is particularly relevant
for you, dear one. Why? Because of that vibrant hue. Red is the color of
passion, zeal, excitement, energy. These are all cherished qualities you
possess. You've got an enthusiasm that just doesn't know how to quit. New
adventures, exciting new projects, promising ideas...you're all over them like
green on a leaf. You can't wait to dive into the next big thing. I really
admire this about you, foxy friend. If I had half your joie de vivre, I think
all my circuits would explode. Seriously. You can be positively electric. But
there's a downside. As mentioned, if your interest isn't engaged, then things
can go all pear-shaped for you. If an idea or a project doesn't sustain your
passion, you might just drop it and move onto the next thing. This isn't always
a bad thing, but sometimes responsibilities need to be seen through. One of
your biggest challenges is learning to be patient and have perseverance. In
many cases, it takes time and plodding on to get something done. The trick for
you is to keep your eye on the prize that initially got you so excited about a
new venture. But you're a smart fox. You already know all this, so don't spend
another minute worrying about it. ;)
Another great quality I admire about
you is your ability to get your own way. I've never seen anything like it.
Something about your charisma and optimism makes stuff magically happen for
you. Truly remarkable. It may seem like magic to me, but in truth, you're a
clever, clever beast. I'm certain the wheels in your head are turning to
produce your best outcome. I'm also sure your wit and silver tongue goes a long
way to opening doors for you. Then there's that easy self-confidence of yours.
It's hard to say 'no' to a Celtic fox sign.
Celtic Zodiac Sign Celtic Animal
Sign Fox
for Celtic Zodiac Sign of the Fox
I want to take a moment to quantify
that word: "self-serving". To most folks, that might seem like an
unattractive quality. I beg to differ. It's not that you're selfish. Hardly.
You are one of the most openhearted, generous signs of the Celtic zodiac. You're
usually happy to lend a hand or give the shirt off your back to a pal in need.
It's more that you absolutely know what's best for you. You know what you like,
and you know what you want. What's more, you tend to be very bold in going
about satisfying your expectations. Sometimes your self-serving actions might
seem hurtful to others. You don't mean it that way. When it comes to obstacles,
you tend to ignore them. That friendly advice, or unsolicited suggestions from
a well-meaning colleague? Forget it. If you're mind is made up, no one can say
anything to dissuade you. You usually have a very clear idea about how to get
your needs met. Very little stands in your way in accomplishing your desires.
Noteworthy Aspects for Your Celtic
Zodiac Sign
Those of you born under the Celtic
animal sign fox are ruled by the fire element. What does that mean? It means
you can be combustible. If something kindles you, watch out. You may ignite in
interesting ways for your passion. Whether in love, work or wanted desire - you
set your path on fire to keep your passion bright and alive. Fire is also a
symbol of spirit and inspiration. As such, it wouldn't be surprising if faith
plays a vital role in your life. You might have unique ideals about
spirituality, but these concepts tend to fuel your direction in life. As far as
inspiration goes...anything that 'flips your switch' or gets you excited is a
huge source of inspiration for you.
The fox is governed by the planet
Mars. The symbolic theme of Mars deals with assertion, audacity, sometimes even
aggression. It's sometimes call the 'war' planet because of its connection with
the war god Mars. Does this mean you can be war-like? Yep. Can you be
competitive? Even combative? Absolutely. This isn't always a bad thing. You do
well in positions of authority. In fact, you employ clever strategy and strong
charisma in higher rank. This makes you an effective leader. It also makes you
a force to be reckoned with. However, when your power is directed in unhealthy
ways, you can come off as overbearing. Channeled rightly, you can be stunningly
persuasive, successful and accomplished.
Celtic Zodiac Sign Celtic Animal
Sign Fox
Legend of Your Celtic Animal Sign
In Celtic myth and lore, the fox
plays a role of soul-ferrier. In other words, the fox is kind of a vessel for
souls who have passed from the earth into non-physical. This association comes
from a Celtic myth about a young boy who sets off on a quest to heal his father
of a fatal illness. On his journey, he finds a dead man. He is compelled to
give the man a proper burial. With no money, and dwindling resources, the boy
fears he might never find a cure for his dying father. Then suddenly, a white
fox appears to the boy. The fox tells him exactly how and where to find the
cure. The fox then admits he is the soul of the dead man the boy showed
kindness to with his burial.
Ok - so that's a neat story, but
what does it have to do with you? Three things. 1). You are more than who you
think you are. You are a conduit for many different voices and personalities.
Am I saying you're carrying around a bunch of dead people in your energy? No.
Not exactly. I'm saying you have unique guidance from your ancestors, and/or
from people you've shown kindness to. Listen within. Pay attention. Your path
is charmed with guidance from beyond. 2). You have a predisposition to lead
others to their most wanted treasure. You can facilitate great achievement for
others by helping them find what they want. Keep this in mind. Just because
other people's quest isn't yours - that doesn't mean it's not important (for
you and them). 3). For you, it's all about the quest. You absolutely must have
a higher path. Ideally, you should be set on an adventure with some kind of
grandiose mission. In your noble pilgrimage, you will find yourself.
Essentially, this is a life journey. There will be times you want to give up.
Don't. Follow your zeal and passion. That's where you'll learn and grow the
Learn more about the power of the
fox from a Celtic perspective here: Symbolic Fox Meanings
Thoughts on Your Celtic Zodiac Sign
For those of you born between March
18 and April 14, you have the potential to be a fiery inspiration to yourself
and others. There's really no limit to what you can do. Why? Because your
energy is darn-near inexhaustible. Furthermore, your vision, insight and
cleverness afford you the ability to move your energy into the direction you're
destined to go. I wish for you a continuous, unlimited zest for life. Never allow
yourself to be hunted down by the banalities of day-to-day life. Rather,
remember it is you who is the expert hunter. Start strategizing and playing
your way into the experience you want for yourself and others.
As always, thanks for reading.
May you always frolic in foxy ways,
- Επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση του περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας εφόσον
αναφέρεται ευκρινώς η πηγή του και υπάρχει ενεργός σύνδεσμος(link ). Νόμος
2121/1993 και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.
Ορισμένα αναρτώμενα από το διαδίκτυο κείμενα ή
εικόνες (με σχετική σημείωση της πηγής), θεωρούμε ότι είναι δημόσια. Αν
υπάρχουν δικαιώματα συγγραφέων, παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μας για να τα
αφαιρέσουμε. Επίσης σημειώνεται ότι οι απόψεις του ιστολόγιου μπορεί να μην
συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου. Για τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται εδώ,
ουδεμία ευθύνη εκ του νόμου φέρουμε καθώς απηχούν αποκλειστικά τις απόψεις των
συντακτών τους και δεν δεσμεύουν καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπο το ιστολόγιο.
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