Druid Signs According to the Celtic
Lunar Calendar Part Two: The Intro, by Avia/ Ιερέας των κελτών και σημάδια σύμφωνα
μέρος, από
Druid Signs Part Two:
Your Celtic Sign
Celtic Ogham is a complex language of trees. The Druids were super-sensitive of
trees and their relationship with the moon. Over time, Druid signs were created
according to the tree and full moon within a month. Basically, Druids created
marriage of meanings between trees, moons and mankind.
determination of Druid signs works like this: Druid signs are based on the
Celtic lunar calendar. That means Druids took measurements of the lunar
rotations around the earth within a year. Within each month, there is at least
one full moon. Druids matched each monthly full moon with corresponding
power-trees in the Celtic Ogham system.
you want to know more about how Druid signs were created and the history behind
this fascinating form of Celtic astrology, just - Druid Signs Part
the meantime, feel free to browse over these Druid signs and their personality
types according to the Celtic lunar year. I hope you find these insights as
illuminating as I did in writing about them. As always, thanks for reading!
Druid Signs
According to the Celtic Lunar Calendar
Gateway Moon:
24 - January 20
Ogham Tree of Power
for this Moon: Birch
Corresponding Power
Stone: Quartz
Attributes for These
Druid Signs: Renewal, Transition, Purification, Clarity, Beauty
Personality Traits for this Sign: This is a gateway moon. By association, you are a
gateway soul. What does that mean? It means you are a way-maker. It means you
make a path allowing energy to flow. You have a special ability to clear
obstacles, doubt, fear and problems from a situation. In so doing, you allow
new opportunities to come forth. Who you are makes big shifts in the lives of
others. You have a knack for providing clarity to others. This isn't an easy
job. Consequently you tend to be tough, resilient and patient. You know what
it's like to be burdened by unique challenges. As a result, you work to make
burdens easier on others. Who you are tends to jump-start transitions wherever
you go. In turn, your role in the lives of others is kind of like a midwife.
You give birth to new ways of thinking. You're okay with transition and change
because you know it augers opportunity and growth. People appreciate your
constancy in an ever changing world. You bring beauty in the world by casting
light in the shadows and you reflect strength to others. You remind people that
there is hope in the worst of times. In truth, you are needed for your candor,
your humor and your clear vision about what is truly worthwhile in this life.
Inner Moon:
21 - February 17
Ogham Tree of Power
for this Moon: Rowan
Corresponding Power
Stone: Diamond
Attributes for These
Druid Signs: Controlling, Protection, Intellect, Silence, Grounded,
Personality Traits for this Sign: As the term 'inner moon' suggests, Druid signs
born under this moon tend to live fullest from within. That means you go inward
to function at your best. Unlike other Druid signs, you don't really need to
talk about your problems to sort them out. You don't act out when things go
pear-shaped. You don't seek blame and you don't get overly emotional. At least
not on the outside. On the inside, however, you're a whole different creature.
From planning your next crusade to inventing a new recipe for the best brownies
in the world...you're solving everything in the vastly capable realm of your
mind. This kind of mental processing gives you a sense of control over
situations and your environment. As a result, you can seem withdrawn, quiet or
reserved. In truth, you are extremely connected and have an instinct about what
others are thinking. You come off as strong and steadfast. Consequently, people
gravitate towards you for advice and sturdy support. Because you present
yourself as composed and steady, people gravitate to you for protection.
Luckily, that role usually comes easy for you. You tend to stand up for those
who are too weak to defend themselves. Underdogs gravitate to you as an
advocate and helper
Changing Moon:
February 18 - March 17
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Ash
Corresponding Power Stone: Coral
for These Druid Signs: Passionate, Versatile, Initiative, Inspiring, Wisdom,
Personality Traits for this Sign: For a myriad of reasons, Druid signs under this
Celtic moon tend to get in the throes of people and events around them. It's
not that you're overly influenced by people or circumstances. Quite the
contrary. You're flush with independence and have no problem asserting your
original ideas. It's just that your presence tends to get stuck in the middle
of high drama. As a result, you can sometimes be a drama-junkie. This isn't a
bad thing. It actually works in your favor. You've been in the middle of so
many colorful situations, you tend to be incredibly flexible. You can adapt to
crazy conditions with ease. Being caught up in these whirlwinds tends to feed
your passion. You love the forward momentum of progress, excelling in projects
or propelling yourself into new adventures. In fact, you're rarely at a
stand-still. Nope - you like to move and explore. You tend to initiate excitement
wherever you go. As a result, people are easily inspired by you. You are
devoted to coaxing dreams into reality. People love this about you, and your
dynamic spirit is a remarkable thing for others to behold.
Advancing Moon:
March 18 - April 14
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Alder
Corresponding Power Stone: Ruby
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Guiding, Hopeful, Motivated, Confident,
Personality Traits for this Sign: Among the Druid signs, you are perhaps the most
gifted with leadership skills. Whether guiding a hiking group, leading a team
of co-workers or instigating a new idea - you're the sign that rises to a
leadership challenge. Sometimes you may not feel that way, but it is an
inherent gift you have. You've got a passion for helping others meet their
goals. This makes you a natural motivator. Others gravitate to you for the
right words to get them back on track when they've lost their way. You support
without enabling. This takes a lot of strength because you know how fragile
people can be. Regardless, you also see the strength in others as well as
yourself. Under the worst conditions, you still hold out hope that something
positive will come out of a bad situation. You're a natural problem-solver and
tend to find solutions easily. You often think fast and move faster. Sometimes
others mistake this for impetuousness. Not true. You simply know that nothing
ever gets accomplished by sitting on your hands. You don't make rash decisions,
but you also tend to push forward - especially in times of stagnation. It's
your natural confidence that allows you to take risks without too much
discomfort. You shine best and most bright when you're talents and
accomplishments are recognized.
Dreaming Moon:
April 15 - May 12
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Willow
Corresponding Power Stone: Moonstone
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Balance, Compassion, Sensitivity, Healing,
Intuition, Imagination
Personality Traits for this Sign: Just like the willow, those born under the Dream
Moon are whispy and willowy and wonderful. You have a delicate way of moving
through life. This inspires others around you. People admire your soft ways and
ability to walk a mile in their shoes. Your baseline tends to be in a place of
understanding, empathy and sensitivity. People sense this about you, and
gravitate towards you for help in personal growth and healing. Your caring
heart has mended many souls. You don't keep count of those you've helped, but
you take pride in the fact that you have assisted in mending broken spirits.
You like the idea of wholeness. That's why healing and mending tends to be your
go-to behavior. You seem to have a need to balance what is imbalanced. Many
times you find yourself in the midst of lots of broken situations, only to dig
your heels in and administer compassion. Part of your skill for soothing out
troubling wrinkles comes from your innate intuition. It's like you inherently
know what's vexing someone, and apply your spiritual salve - which usually has
a positive result. All this kind of healing and compassion has its drawbacks.
You can become exhausted with obligation, responsibility and the sense of
coming to the rescue. To deter burnout, many of you will drift into a dreamlike
realm. An inner wonderland where life might not be reality, but certainly
manageable. Your hopes, dreams and imagination are your personal saving grace.
Remember this when you might be taking care of everybody else when perhaps you
ought to take care of you.
Gifting Moon:
13 - June 9
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Hawthorn
Corresponding Power Stone: Amethyst
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Awakening, Growth, Fertility, Prosperity,
Happiness, Ancestry
Personality Traits for this Sign: Your sign isn't called the 'Gifting Moon' for
nothing. Granted - all the Druid signs have tons of gifts to give to
human-kind. But your sign has special treasures to share with the world. You've
got a unique way of showing people how to go about life unconventionally. How
do you do this? You do it by living an unconventional life. You can be
spontaneous, impulsive and bold. In a balanced life, this manifests into
fabulous lucky breaks and bigtime happy moments. When you get those lucky,
happy moments you milk them. You know what it means to carpe diem. You know the
gifts you've been given, and you often want to share your windfalls with
others. Speaking of gifts, you tend to be very connected to roots - family. If
you have children, you hold them as the dearest treasure a human could ever
have. Even if you don't have kids, you tend to dig deeply into the roots of
your family tree. Connection is key for you. You've got to know about your
origins. Where you came from lends credence to your identity. Often you
experience moments of clarity about who you are because you have clarity about
where you came from. As a gifting moon sign, you have a propensity for being
good with resources. Whether it be money, time, skills or whatever - you
usually handle resources with expert efficiency. What's more, you're happy to
share your resources with others.
Standing Moon:
June 10 - July 7
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Oak
Corresponding Power Stone: Amber
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Justice, Longevity, Prudence, Loyalty,
Power, Success
Traits for this Sign: Why is your sign called the
'Standing Moon'? Simple: You stand in and stand up when things get shaky. When
others flee, you stick to what you know - what you believe - what you feel is
right. Sometimes this leads you down some weird paths in life, but you're okay
with that. You handle unstable situations with a kind of stalwart nonchalance.
It's as if you know everything is going to work out. You understand the
circuitous nature of time and how it passes. As a result, history is often
intriguing to you. Perhaps you place your mind in other eras of time and try to
feel what it was like to live during the Renaissance or WWI. This interest in
history may come from a need to expose light upon what is just, what is true,
what is right. But whether you do this or not, I'm betting you certainly put
yourself in a solid position of authority in positions of power. You enjoy
expressing your expertise and knowledge in various situations. You're a shrewd
operator, and you've got a great way of wielding your power when needed. As a
firm believer in truth and justice, you see the world in very clear terms.
Where other people see grey areas, you see things pretty much cut-and-dry.
Often this prompts you to take action. Your action often leads to success.
Nevertheless, you have a keen observation. Many times you're okay with being a
bystander...just standing back and watching the interplay between characters of
life. Although you are very comfortable with being in a position of power,
you're cool with standing back too. Why? Because you know about long-term
resolution. You have confidence that the light of justice will eventually shed
light on the grey areas.
Royal Moon:
July 8 - August 4
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Holly
Corresponding Power Stone: Ruby
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Energy, Guidance, Intelligence, Courage,
Luck, Humor
Traits for this Sign: These Druid signs are remarkably
unsinkable. Setbacks are just pish-posh for you. Granted, some setbacks are
more challenging than others, but for the most part, you never shy away from
obstacles or challenges life throws at you. This might because you tend to
maintain a healthy sense of humor. Sometimes this humor may run on the
sarcastic side, but you never intend to be cutting or hurtful with your words.
It's almost as if you get the inside joke into everything. This kind of knowing
gives you an easy confidence. Most people look at you in awe. Many people born
under this moon appear larger than life. You may not always feel like you're the
big cheese, but there's a voice within you that whispers "You're special
and unique". There is a lot of royalty and nobility worked into the Ogham
holly. The Celts highly regarded holly properties. As such, you often move
through life on a marked incline. Promotions, advancements, lucky breaks - they
tend to magically appear on your path. Sometimes you might feel you have a
Midas touch. This may be true, but a lot of that comes from your own courage,
intelligence and determination. You know nothing comes for free. What seems
like luck, is really a lot of hard work you laid down before you got that lucky
break. People admire you as a strong and enthusiastic leader. You tend to keep
positive, even under challenging conditions. You are a natural mentor, and
people often count you as one of the best advice-givers they've ever had. You
have influence over others, but you also have pride. This means you rarely take
advantage of your positions of power which wins respect from those around you.
Authority Moon:
August 5 - September 1
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Hazel
Corresponding Power Stone: Sapphire
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Creativity, Productivity, Manifestation,
Focus, Determination
Personality Traits for this Sign: You're a keen cookie. Shrewd, intelligent and
lightning-quick wits. As an Authority Moon, you easily take control of
situations and people. You do well in leadership positions, but you're not
always comfortable with all the responsibility that goes with it. You're so
adept at handling multiple details and managing them. In fact, you're so good
at managing... people often heavily rely on you. This can be worrying and
burdensome for you sometimes. You can't stand the idea of letting people down.
You thrive on success and seeing the fruits of your labor. Luckily, you're
extremely crafty when it comes to finding solutions. There are very few
challenges that stump you. As a result, many people look up to you and place
their faith in your strong wisdom. You're at your best when you are kept busy
by a pet project. Whether it be raising a family, or running a political
campaign - you've got to be in charge on some level. You also need to be
passionate about the projects you undertake. Your shining moments are when you
see your plans come together, and everybody's needs are met through your
Balancing Moon:
September 2 - September 29
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Vine
Corresponding Power Stone: Emerald
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Equality, Perspective, Connection, Personal
Growth, Sensitivity
Personality Traits for this Sign: These Druid signs have a propensity to have
things orderly and tidy. It's not like your obsessive compulsive, but you
definitely need things a certain way. This can be troubling in an unpredictable
world. Let's face it, life is messy. So the Balancing Moon sign needs to find
stabilization when things get wonky. Luckily, you're really good at that.
Somehow your mind and perspective clearly sees solutions to reestablish
equilibrium. This may be because you've got a keen view on both sides to every
coin. You can put yourself in other people's shoes and easily relate to their
plight. You also tend to easily connect between your inner and outer world.
That means you see craziness in the outside world - but you can go within your
inner world and balance the chaos with your own perspective and sensitivity. As
a result you've likely gone through a great deal of personal growth. You've
probably evolved far beyond most Druid signs simply because you are compelled
to even the equations of life. In short, you know life is like a math problem.
There's got to be a solution to come up with the correct answer. You usually
make the right connections to find that correct answer. But even if you can't
strike a balance, you are emotionally advanced enough to move through any
discomfort this may cause. You've got a special sensitivity that allows you to
soothe over jarring imbalances in life. You often live dual lives - it's the
balance thing again. You may appear one way on the outside, but there may be a
flip side internally - or vice versa. People look up to you for your innate
knowing and stability. You tend to be a regulator and a constant, which makes
you dependable and reliable.
Exploring Moon:
September 30 - October 27
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Ivy
Corresponding Power Stone: Opal
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Depth, Loyalty, Preservation, Artistic,
Spirituality, Reinvention
Personality Traits for this Sign: Due to no fault of your own, you've found
yourself in big transitions throughout your life. It's as if big whirlwinds
push through your life, and you're left to pick up the pieces. Many of you
transform yourselves in order to be the eye of the storm - that peaceful center
when chaos hits the fan. That takes a lot of internal fortitude and personal
grounding. Still others of you may elect to reinvent yourselves completely in
the midst of conflict. This might mean relocating, and I don't just mean
changing residences. I mean the Exploring Moon sometimes pulls the plug on a
type of life, a partnership, a job, etc. in an attempt to deal with the
craziness you may find yourself in. Luckily you have an artistic soul. Often it
is creative expression that saves your bacon. You have the ability to dive
deeply within your soul and create amazing beauty in spite of the internal pain
you may experience. Speaking of soul - your sign often gravitates to spiritual
studies. It's that exploring nature of yours that compels you to look outside
the mundane world and reach beyond. If spirituality or education doesn't move
you out of the realm of common - then sometimes you may travel to shift
yourself in a place of inspiration and creativity. Regardless of your tendency
to explore, travel and reinvent - you're always firm in your roots. You are
loyal to those who are loyal to you - no matter how far you journey in life.
Harmonic Moon:
October 28 - November 24
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Reed
Corresponding Power Stone: Jasper
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Harmony, Gentle, Unity, Strong Will,
Friendship, Protection
Traits for this Sign: These Druid signs are sometimes
hard to peg. Why? Because you can shift in an instant. You likely get your
shifty ways from having to dodge uncomfortable situations. Rather than facing
conflict head-on, you often choose to let the conflict flow through you. You'd
prefer to see open communication that leads to understanding and unity. When
this doesn't happen, you tend to step back, observe, and you try to preserve
integrity during hot-headed moments. You really need to protect that which is
just, true and beautiful. You have a strong belief system. You don't require
everybody to fall in-step with your beliefs, but you'll remain true to your
core-self no matter what the odds. In other words, you're a gentle and
understanding soul...but woe be to anyone who challenges something that is
intensely sacred to you. This may be beliefs, family, friends - you will defend
to a bitter end if you have to - but you'd rather not. A better way to say it
is this: You're a peace-maker, secret-keeper, advocate and lover. You want to
shelter that which is special and worthy of protection. You'd rather be
Switzerland (neutral), but you often take great strides in achieving harmony in
your life and within the lives of the ones you love. People see this and
respect you for it. They see a core goodness about you and want that for
themselves. Your loved ones appreciate your strong will, but also depend on
your gentle side too.
Regenerating Moon:
November 25 - December 23
Ogham Tree of Power for this Moon: Elder
Corresponding Power Stone: Bloodstone
Attributes for These Druid Signs: Honesty, Cycles, Abundance, Challenge,
Traits for this Sign: Lots going on in the
Regenerating Moon Druid signs' lives. Much of this action is self-inflicted.
Still...these signs can be a tornado...sucking in a lot of debris around them.
Whatever the case, your sign takes the debris life tosses to you in stride.
This ability to move forward comes from a deep sense of cycles. You realize
that for every season there is a purpose. You often recognize the transitional,
transient nature of life. For every beginning there is an end. Some people may
have a hard time understanding where you're coming from, but that's okay. You
continue to push forward on the path of your beliefs. Although you may be
stubborn sticking to your guns (beliefs, opinions, etc), you do your best to be
considerate of others. This, however, might be thwarted by your unusual gift of
honesty. Your candor can be off-putting sometimes, but many of you realize the
effect of an overly harsh and candid tongue. As a result, you often do your
best to find alternative ways of expressing your opinions. People appreciate
you for the way you face challenges by an unsinkable spirit. You've got an
understated strength and knowing within you that is both intriguing and
sometimes unsettling for others. Nevertheless, you tend to have a charming
nature, and people often feel at ease with you. People often call upon you to
resolve conflict. In response you employ wit, skill and flexibility to solve
I hope you enjoyed these Druid signs and their personality traits as much
as I did while writing about them. As always, thanks so much for reading. And
don't miss the links at the end of this page for more Druid signs, Celtic
symbols and wisdom this fascinating culture offers.
It's important to note these are moon signs. So what's the big deal? Well,
it is a big deal, because moon signs tend to address our alternate personality
traits. Why? Think on it...the moon itself is all about shadow, mystery and
what is hidden. Traits that fall under the full moon are likely latent and
subtle within us. It has to do with the symbolic way the moon expresses
herself. Lady Luna only has the ability to shine brightest when light is
exposed upon her. Same holds true for moon sign personalities. It's not until
we ourselves or others shine light on our deepest depths that those lovely
traits are exposed.
- Επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση του περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας εφόσον
αναφέρεται ευκρινώς η πηγή του και υπάρχει ενεργός σύνδεσμος(link ). Νόμος
2121/1993 και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.
Ορισμένα αναρτώμενα από το διαδίκτυο κείμενα ή
εικόνες (με σχετική σημείωση της πηγής), θεωρούμε ότι είναι δημόσια. Αν
υπάρχουν δικαιώματα συγγραφέων, παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μας για να τα
αφαιρέσουμε. Επίσης σημειώνεται ότι οι απόψεις του ιστολόγιου μπορεί να μην
συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου. Για τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται εδώ,
ουδεμία ευθύνη εκ του νόμου φέρουμε καθώς απηχούν αποκλειστικά τις απόψεις των
συντακτών τους και δεν δεσμεύουν καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπο το ιστολόγιο.
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